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Current challenges and current topics in family businesses during Family Business Week in Poland

For the second time family businesses from Poland and abroad will meet online on May 24 - 28 for the Family Business Week organised by the Family Business InstituteThe theme of this year's meeting is - Global Business _Local Family - sustainable development in not obvious in difficult times. So important now because, as Dr. Adrianna Lewandowska, President of the Family Business Institute says: No other form of entrepreneurship is so firmly anchored in society. The triad typical of family businesses, which consists of economic success, social responsibility and local patriotism, makes family business have a unique organizational culture with a more humanistic, value-based dimension. Running a family business is a great art, but also a great opportunity. It can strengthen both the business and the family.


Family Business Week is five days of online meetings, full of substance, emotions and mutual interaction and exchange of experience. Top experts from around the world will share their experience, support and best practices for both business and the family.


The agenda for the daily meetings has been designed based on the needs and expectations of business families, who often face current challenges and difficulties. Each day of Family Business Week will be related to one of five key areas: knowledge, power, ownership, values and vision, which should be taken care of by every business family that cares about the longevity of the company. Starting in the morning there will be expert speakers and meetings with owners of great family businesses from around the world. And in the evenings, there will be expert evenings where experts will take a look at current events in the business and family world.


Speeches will be given by recognized foreign experts working in various areas of family businesses, including Rania Labaki, Susanne Bransgrove, Isabel Botero, Juliana Binhote and Guillermo Salazar. Family Business Week participants will be able to meet top family business leaders from companies such as: Hōshi Ryokan - a traditional Japanese hotel, the oldest family business in the world (year founded: 718), D'Addario & Company, Inc., - the largest and oldest manufacturer and distributor of music accessories, Grönlunds Plåt AB - a modern Swedish company that has been on the market for almost 150 years and works with sheet metal. On the other hand, the expert evenings will be attended by Polish specialists in the field of family businesses, such as: Dr. Adrianna Lewandowska, Roman Wieczorek, Head of the Expert Team of the Family Business Institute or Prof. Maciej Stradomski, Chairman of the Program Council of the Institute.

This is the second edition of Family Business Week organized by the Institute of Family Business for owners of family businesses, successors or successors, members of business families and managers working in family businesses.

For a full program, speaker information and registration, visit (also in English)


Institute of Family Business is a Knowledge Center of Family Companies in Poland and abroad. The leading mission of the Institute is to professionalize Polish family businesses through advising on the process of succession, intergenerational strategies and the Constitution of Family Companies, spreading knowledge, good practices, conducting and publishing research results and exchanging domestic and foreign experience. Each year, the Institute organizes a number of eventś dedicated to family businesses, which are always a unique platform for the exchange of experience and an opportunity to establish invaluable business relationships.


Instytut Biznesu Rodzinnego
ul. Paderewskiego 8
61-770 Poznań́

Press office:

Dagmara Krakówka
Tel. 883 777 621 | 61 307 14 27

Event Webpage:

Family Business Institute webpage:


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