SPRING's 3rd Coordination Meeting
During the 27th and 29th of April all members of the SPRING consortium met virtually for their 3rd coordination meeting and SPRING’s Train-the-Trainers workshop. Representatives from our partners coming from 9 EU countries, involving academic experts and professional trainers and consultants, presented a series of training modules for family business members and stakeholders and then discussed the design and content of these modules.
The project’s main goal for this year is to design and develop a Training and Consultancy Programme that addresses the identified needs of both senior and next-generation members of family businesses across Europe, taking into account the current landscape of family members in Europe, following the Pandemic.
The Programme will provide some great insights, approaches and tools on:
Succession planning
Achieving growth and innovation
Developing leadership skills
Setting up strong governance structures
Nalancing intergenerational dynamics and managing conflicts
Safeguarding the family’s legacy and many more topics.
SPRING’s ultimate goal is to help family businesses become more competitive, profitable and sustainable through a hands-on training programme that will be then offered by renowned EU universities and adult training and consulting companies.
Currently, the team is putting the final touches to the Training and Consultancy Programme before its launch as pilot training seminars will take place this Fall in each participating country. The programme will be offered for free to approximately 10-15 senior or next-generation members of local family businesses, who are interested in joining this transnational consortium, aiming to acquire the know-how of achieving business continuity, viability and growth.
In the coming months, partners from all participating countries will start advertising their pilot training seminars via the project’s website and its social media pages, therefore make sure not to miss it!